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Number Puzzle Game: Solve the Digits and Reach the Target Number


Number Puzzle Games: How to Train Your Brain and Have Fun

Do you enjoy solving puzzles and challenges? Do you want to improve your mental skills and have fun at the same time? If you answered yes to these questions, then you might want to try number puzzle games. Number puzzle games are a great way to exercise your brain, test your logic, and stimulate your creativity. In this article, we will explain what number puzzle games are, why they are good for you, how to play them, and where to find them. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, you will find something interesting and useful in this article. So, let's get started!

What are number puzzle games?

Definition and examples of number puzzle games

Number puzzle games are a type of puzzle game that involves using numbers, arithmetic, or logic to find a solution. They can be simple or complex, easy or hard, depending on the rules and the difficulty level. Some common examples of number puzzle games are:

number puzzle game

  • Sudoku: A grid-based puzzle game where you have to fill in the empty cells with numbers from 1 to 9, without repeating them in any row, column, or 3x3 box.

  • Crossword: A word-based puzzle game where you have to fill in the blanks with words that match the clues, using numbers as hints for the length and position of the words.

  • Kakuro: A combination of sudoku and crossword, where you have to fill in the empty cells with numbers from 1 to 9, without repeating them in any row or column, and making sure that the sum of the numbers in each horizontal or vertical group matches the clue given.

  • KenKen: A variation of sudoku, where you have to fill in the empty cells with numbers from 1 to n (where n is the size of the grid), without repeating them in any row or column, and making sure that the result of the arithmetic operation in each cage (a group of cells separated by thick lines) matches the clue given.

  • MathDoku: Another variation of sudoku, where you have to fill in the empty cells with numbers from 1 to n (where n is the size of the grid), without repeating them in any row or column, and making sure that the result of the arithmetic operation in each cage (a group of cells separated by dashed lines) matches the clue given.

These are just some examples of number puzzle games. There are many more types and variations of number puzzle games that you can explore and enjoy.

Benefits of playing number puzzle games

Playing number puzzle games is not only fun, but also beneficial for your brain and mental health. Here are some of the benefits of playing number puzzle games:

  • They improve your memory and concentration: Solving number puzzles requires you to remember and process information, such as numbers, clues, rules, patterns, and strategies. This helps you to enhance your short-term and long-term memory, as well as your attention span and focus.

  • They boost your logic and reasoning skills: Solving number puzzles involves using logic, deduction, induction, inference, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. These are essential skills for problem-solving, decision-making, critical thinking, and creativity.

  • They increase your numerical ability and mental arithmetic: Solving number puzzles requires you to perform calculations, operations, conversions, estimations, approximations, and comparisons. These help you to improve your numerical fluency, accuracy, speed, and flexibility.

  • They reduce your stress and anxiety levels : Solving number puzzles can be relaxing and satisfying, as you engage your mind in a positive and productive activity. This helps you to release tension, calm your nerves, and improve your mood.

  • They enhance your self-esteem and confidence: Solving number puzzles can be challenging and rewarding, as you overcome difficulties, learn new skills, and achieve your goals. This helps you to build your self-esteem, confidence, and resilience.

As you can see, playing number puzzle games can have many positive effects on your brain and mental health. So, why not give it a try and see for yourself?

How to play number puzzle games?

Basic rules and tips for solving number puzzles

Playing number puzzle games is not hard, as long as you follow some basic rules and tips. Here are some of them:

  • Read the instructions carefully: Before you start playing any number puzzle game, make sure you understand the rules, the format, the symbols, and the clues. If you are not sure about something, look it up or ask for help.

  • Start with the easy ones: If you are new to number puzzle games, or if you want to warm up your brain, start with the easy or beginner level puzzles. They will help you to get familiar with the game, practice your skills, and build your confidence.

  • Use a pencil and paper: If you are playing a number puzzle game on paper, use a pencil instead of a pen. This way, you can erase your mistakes and try again. You can also use a paper to write down notes, calculations, or possible solutions.

  • Use logic and elimination: To solve a number puzzle game, you need to use logic and elimination. That means, you need to apply the rules and the clues to find out what numbers can or cannot go in each cell. You can also use trial and error, but be careful not to make too many guesses.

  • Look for patterns and shortcuts: To solve a number puzzle game faster and easier, you need to look for patterns and shortcuts. That means, you need to spot the regularities, the symmetries, the sequences, the groups, the cages, or the regions that can help you to narrow down the possibilities or find the solutions.

These are some of the basic rules and tips for solving number puzzles. Of course, each type of number puzzle game may have its own specific rules and tips that you need to learn and apply.

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Different types and levels of number puzzle games

As we mentioned before, there are many different types and variations of number puzzle games that you can play. Each type of number puzzle game has its own characteristics, challenges, and appeal. Some of them are more mathematical, some are more linguistic, some are more spatial, some are more abstract. Some of them are more suitable for beginners, some are more suitable for experts, some are more suitable for everyone. Here is a table that shows some of the most popular types of number puzzle games and their features:

Type of Number Puzzle Game


Difficulty Level


A grid-based puzzle game where you have to fill in the empty cells with numbers from 1 to 9, without repeating them in any row, column, or 3x3 box.

Easy to hard


A word-based puzzle game where you have to fill in the blanks with words that match the clues, using numbers as hints for the length and position of the words.

Easy to hard


A combination of sudoku and crossword, where you have to fill in the empty cells with numbers from 1 to 9, without repeating them in any row or column, and making sure that the sum of the numbers in each horizontal or vertical group matches the clue given.

Medium to hard


A variation of sudoku, where you have to fill in the empty cells with numbers from 1 to n (where n is the size of the grid), without repeating them in any row or column, and making sure that the result of the arithmetic operation in each cage (a group of cells separated by thick lines) matches the clue given.

Medium to hard


Another variation of sudoku, where you have to fill in the empty cells with numbers from 1 to n (where n is the size of the grid), without repeating them in any row or column, and making sure that the result of the arithmetic operation in each cage (a group of cells separated by dashed lines) matches the clue given.

Medium to hard


A grid-based puzzle game where you have to color in some cells and leave others blank, according to the numbers given at the side and top of the grid, which indicate how many consecutive colored cells are in each row or column.

Medium to hard


A grid-based puzzle game where you have to fill in the empty cells with consecutive numbers, starting from 1 and ending with the highest number, such that each number is adjacent to the previous and next one, either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.

Medium to hard


A variation of hidato, where you have to fill in the empty cells with consecutive numbers, starting from 1 and ending with the highest number, such that each number is adjacent to the previous and next one, either horizontally or vertically.

Easy to medium


A grid-based puzzle game where you have to fill in the empty cells with numbers from 1 to n (where n is the size of the grid), without repeating them in any row or column, and obeying the inequality signs () placed between some cells.

Easy to medium

Killer Sudoku

A combination of sudoku and kakuro, where you have to fill in the empty cells with numbers from 1 to 9, without repeating them in any row, column, or 3x3 box, and making sure that the sum of the numbers in each cage (a group of cells separated by dotted lines) matches the clue given.

Hard to very hard

These are some of the different types and levels of number puzzle games that you can play. You can choose the one that suits your preference, skill, and mood. You can also try new ones and challenge yourself.

Where to find number puzzle games?

Online platforms and apps for playing number puzzle games

If you want to play number puzzle games online, you have plenty of options. There are many websites and apps that offer a variety of number puzzle games for free or for a fee. Some of them are:

  • Puzzle Page: A website and an app that offers a daily selection of different types of puzzles, including number puzzles, word puzzles, picture puzzles, logic puzzles, and more. You can also access the archive of previous puzzles and play them anytime.

  • Web Sudoku: A website and an app that offers millions of sudoku puzzles for all levels of difficulty. You can also print out the puzzles or create your own ones.

  • Crossword Solver: A website and an app that helps you to solve crossword puzzles by providing hints, clues, answers, and explanations. You can also browse through thousands of crossword puzzles from various sources and play them online or offline.

  • A website and an app that offers thousands of kakuro puzzles for all levels of difficulty. You can also print out the puzzles or create your own ones.

  • KenKen Puzzle: A website and an app that offers hundreds of kenken puzzles for all levels of difficulty. You can also print out the puzzles or create your own ones.

  • A website and an app that offers hundreds of mathdoku puzzles for all levels of difficulty. You can also print out the puzzles or create your own ones.

  • A website and an app that offers thousands of nonogram puzzles for all levels of difficulty. You can also print out the puzzles or create your own ones.

  • A website and an app that offers hundreds of hidato puzzles for all levels of difficulty. You can also print out the puzzles or create your own ones.

  • A website and an app that offers hundreds of numbrix puzzles for all levels of difficulty. You can also print out the puzzles or create your own ones.

  • A website and an app that offers hundreds of futoshiki puzzles for all levels of difficulty . You can also print out the puzzles or create your own ones.

  • Killer Sudoku Online: A website and an app that offers hundreds of killer sudoku puzzles for all levels of difficulty. You can also print out the puzzles or create your own ones.

These are some of the online platforms and apps for playing number puzzle games. You can find more by searching on the internet or browsing through the app store. You can also compare the features, ratings, reviews, and prices of different websites and apps and choose the one that suits you best.

Offline sources and books for playing number puzzle games

If you prefer to play number puzzle games offline, you have plenty of options as well. There are many sources and books that offer a variety of number puzzle games for free or for a fee. Some of them are:

  • Newspapers and magazines: Many newspapers and magazines have a section dedicated to puzzles, including number puzzles. You can find them in the daily, weekly, or monthly editions, or in special issues or supplements. You can also subscribe to them or buy them from newsstands or bookstores.

  • Puzzle books: There are many puzzle books that focus on one or more types of number puzzle games. You can find them in different formats, sizes, and levels of difficulty. You can also buy them from bookstores, online retailers, or puzzle publishers.

  • Puzzle collections: There are also puzzle collections that contain a variety of number puzzle games, as well as other types of puzzles, such as word puzzles, logic puzzles, picture puzzles, and more. You can find them in different formats, sizes, and levels of difficulty. You can also buy them from bookstores, online retailers, or puzzle publishers.

  • Puzzle calendars: There are also puzzle calendars that offer a different number puzzle game for each day of the year. You can find them in different formats, sizes, and levels of difficulty. You can also buy them from bookstores, online retailers, or puzzle publishers.

These are some of the offline sources and books for playing number puzzle games. You can find more by searching on the internet or browsing through the bookstore. You can also compare the features, ratings, reviews, and prices of different sources and books and choose the one that suits you best.


Summary of the main points

In this article, we have learned what number puzzle games are, why they are good for you, how to play them, and where to find them. We have seen that number puzzle games are a type of puzzle game that involves using numbers, arithmetic, or logic to find a solution. We have also seen that playing number puzzle games can improve your memory, concentration, logic, reasoning, numerical ability, mental arithmetic, stress relief, self-esteem, and confidence. We have also learned some basic rules and tips for solving number puzzles, as well as some different types and levels of number puzzle games. Finally, we have explored some online platforms and apps and some offline sources and books for playing number puzzle games.

Call to action and invitation to share feedback

We hope you have enjoyed this article and found it useful and informative. If you are interested in playing number puzzle games, we encourage you to try some of the websites, apps, sources, and books that we have recommended in this article. You can also share this article with your friends and family who might be interested in playing number puzzle games as well. If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or feedback about this article or about number puzzle games in general, please feel free to leave them below. We would love to hear from you and learn from your experience. Thank you for reading!


What are some of the best websites for playing sudoku?

Some of the best websites for playing sudoku are:

  • : A website that offers thousands of sudoku puzzles for all levels of difficulty. You can also print out the puzzles or create your own ones.

  • : A website that offers a new sudoku puzzle every day for all levels of difficulty. You can also access the archive of previous puzzles and play them anytime.

  • : A website that offers a variety of sudoku puzzles for all levels of difficulty. You can also play against other players online or join tournaments.

What are some of the best apps for playing crossword?

Some of the best apps for playing crossword are:

  • : An app that offers the famous New York Times crossword puzzles, as well as mini puzzles, daily puzzles, and archived puzzles. You can also play with friends or join leaderboards.

  • : An app that offers thousands of crossword puzzles for all levels of difficulty. You can also customize the puzzles, get hints, and track your progress.

  • : An app that offers a new crossword puzzle every day, based on a different theme, such as movies, sports, celebrities, and more. You can also play with friends or join tournaments.

What are some of the best books for playing kakuro?

Some of the best books for playing kakuro are:

  • : A book that offers 400 kakuro puzzles for all levels of difficulty. You can also find solutions, tips, and strategies in the book.

  • : A book that teaches you how to play kakuro, from the basics to the advanced techniques. You can also find 150 kakuro puzzles for all levels of difficulty in the book.

  • : A book that offers 200 kakuro puzzles for the expert level. You can also find solutions and explanations in the book.

What are some of the best websites for playing nonogram?

Some of the best websites for playing nonogram are:

  • : A website that offers thousands of nonogram puzzles for all levels of difficulty. You can also create your own puzzles, play online or offline, and customize the settings.

  • : A website that offers hundreds of nonogram puzzles for all levels of difficulty. You can also collect coins, unlock themes, and join events.

  • : A website that offers a variety of nonogram puzzles, such as griddlers, triddlers, multigriddlers, and more. You can also create your own puzzles, play with friends, and join competitions.

What are some of the best apps for playing hidato?

Some of the best apps for playing hidato are:

  • : An app that offers 100 hidato puzzles for all levels of difficulty. You can also use hints, undo moves, and save your progress.

  • : An app that offers 300 hidato puzzles for all levels of difficulty. You can also explore different worlds, collect treasures, and unlock achievements.

  • : An app that offers 30 hidato puzzles for the beginner level. You can also use hints, check your answers, and share your results.


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